Friday, June 23, 2023

The Toxicity of Social Media; A Fall From Grace

Remember MySpace, yea that MySpace that was popular back in 2007-09. Must people born after 2000 probably wouldn’t know what this was. Unbeknownst to them, this was a beginning of an era of what back then was a tool to share music and to “hang out” with friends “online”. 

Social media, if you break down the word it feels as though back then, the first word of the phrase was more prominent in its use. A way to connect with people, socialize if you will, with your friends, family or people you would not normally see face to face, perhaps a friend you met on vacation or something of a sort. Nowadays, however, the latter part of the word is rampant: media. It sure feels like every one is over consuming “content”. Yes  even influencers make their posts platable by saying words like “content”. Really though is the “content” we are partaking digesting well?

When, celebrities, and worse companies got wind of a platform that you can “advertise! advertise! advertise!” This is when everything started to go wayward. Things like, teen depression among girls feeling like they don’t feel “good enough”, or people in early 20s feeling like they’re a failure, kids sadly taking their life because of bullying, or damaging posts. These are all the bad fruits of social media. What once was an innocent way for friends to connect, is now this trillion dollar industry that pushes an agenda that flaunting a lifestyle that you may actually not live is the main focus. Let’s be clear that I’m not exempt from being exploited by this huge machine but nevertheless..

Countless studies show that social media is more damaging than beneficial, hence even the government is getting involved, limiting access to younger ones or even banning an app all together. Social media is on the incline to those who loves to make money because that’s all it’s about now. So inversely, people who live normal lives, particularly non influencers are starting to see the ugly sides of social media. To remedy this effect, apps like BeReal, are on the rise because it makes people honest, genuine, and it’s hard to “advertise” because you can not post whenever you want. I particularly enjoy this app because for a lack of a better word, and pun definitely intended, it makes you Real. Of course influencers are detested by this app because, more often than not they don’t live the life that they show with their “content” therefore fake. However, the machine always have the arm of currency, and legs of commerce to be able to influence things. I’ll be waiting to see how all of this pan out…